Is he pushing your buttons today?
Please do not feed the Troll!
i have retitled this post thinking perhaps the "doom" series has run its course.
lol .
one of the specific features of the sign of christ's presence has to do with the emergence of false prophets and false christs.
Is he pushing your buttons today?
Please do not feed the Troll!
maybe this is just me and how i see things as an outsider: but why is it that witnesses seem to flirt, and touch, and act as horny as a cat in heat?
is it proper for a witnesses to call a nonwitness at 11:00 at night while she is taking a bubble bath?.
is is proper for a witness to put a white rose on a man's jeep?
Those with the "Saintly" appearance
and behavior can be the best in bed.
May I suggest you unbotton the rest
of the skirt.
sometimes it's funny when a thread gets off topic----and sometimes it isn't.. a very good question has arisen.."are jehovah's witness elders culpable for damage done by the watchtower by virtue of their postition?".
somehow the topic changed to "don't blame elders for being 'in' the org, they may be mislead, that's all they know, they do some good, yada yada yada.... like hell!!!!!.
thee is a big world of difference between being 'in' the org for whatever reason, and being an elder, a public representative, an active campaigner, a judicial committee member...and i can go on and on here....of an organization that teaches death and destruction of most everyone on earth, and whose policies result in deaths of people probably every day.. if a person must stay in, then stay in.
As this boards chief apostate, I must remind
you to get off your ass and do some
X-mas shopping before the stores close.
Merry X-mas big guy!!
check out this news story: http://web.star-telegram.com/content/fortworth/2001/12/21/foreign/fw030707-1221-xa036-terror.htm.
many question jehovah on what will happen with the children during armageddon.
i don't know that answer entirely so i'll wait and see what happens.
Do you "shut your legs" when
Jessica is around?
at which table are you feeding?.
you cannot be partaking of the table of jehovah and the table of demons.1 corinthians 10:21.. these inspired words of the apostle paul show that two figurative tables are set before mankind.
each table is identified by the kind of symbolic food placed upon it, and all of us are eating at one or the other.
May I eat your liver and brains YoYo?
what can we learn from david when he encountered saul?.
1 samuel 24:2-7 says.
and saul proceeded to take three thousand chosen men out of all israel and to go looking for david and his men upon the bare rocks of the mountain goats.
Lesson learned:
According to the inspired word, it's OK
to scam on the lady next door
and set up her husband for death so you
can continue going next door to do his wife.
At the same time, his God above counted
him in as one of the good guys and continued to
bless him.
1. because i have met so may new friends on this board and hope to meet many more.. 2. because life always tends to get better, no matter what.. 3. because jon is in a better place, even though i miss him with all my heart.
(sorry i couldn't help myself).. 4. because i finally realized that god is a myth, what a freaking relief that was.. .
best wishes and happy holidays to all,.
The name is Jon, not Joh.
Learn how to spell!!!
but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven but my .
we are commanded to watch!
we are commanded to be ready!
Explain this Rick....
In these pages I will attempt to put together my observations of the "end times," hopefully adding to the understanding of what has happened in the twentieth century and what is most likely to happen in the first part of the twenty-first century. I am not a prophet in the supernatural sense, but I hope to "prophesy" in the general sense of "forth telling" the Word of God as I see the prophecies of old reflected in the events of our days.
First, I will present the most remarkable "discovery" that I have made concerning the "timing" of endtime events. The "day-year" method of determining times in prophecy has been observed since the Old Testament Prophets. The First Coming of the Messiah was pretty well expected when Jesus was born due to the prophecies of Daniel. Unfornuately for much of Israel, the religious leaders were not among those that believed this. Let us begin with the "Christian Calendar"
Sounds like Hal has something in common with the
Governing Body of the Watchtower.
but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven but my .
we are commanded to watch!
we are commanded to be ready!
I feel Hal Linsey is a false prophet.
That is if you judge his work using
but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven but my .
we are commanded to watch!
we are commanded to be ready!
Hey Rick,
How are you doing?
Campared to Yardif and You Know,
you quote more scripture with less
opion on them. I can certainly
stomach that.
Do you think it possible to talk some
sense into those two? They are quite
the dooms-day types. I am fearful
they may take their propaganda seriously
and drink some deadly coolaid.